Guide: Build your Multi-layered Security Plan
A cyber attack is one of the biggest threats an organization can face. Because of this IT security teams have a lot to cover and maintain making standalone security strategies insufficient. Hence, organizations must follow a multi-layered security plan.
Click here to learn the ultimate guide to build your information security program.
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What is a Multi-layered Security Approach?
Multi-layered security is designed to utilize several components to protect your operations with multiple levels of security measures. The purpose of this is to ensure that every individual defense component has a backup to counter any flaws in other areas of defense. The following sections will highlight key areas your IT team or managed service provider should look out for when building your multi-layered security plan.
1. Assess Current Security Setup
The first step to guiding your security plan is to utilize a scanning tool that can detect any viruses, malware, botnets, or backdoors currently lurking within your system or wen services that link to malicious content. Before diving into a project it is important for your team to identify the weaknesses in your security setup.
To know how secure your current system is sign up for a free security assessment.
2. Email Protection
Email is the preferred means of entry for ransomware attacks. In 2021, simple spam filtering is not enough. You need a complete email protection system shielding you from phishing, plus end-to-end encryption, archiving tools, and data loss protection.
Organization everywhere rely on e-mail to keep operations running smoothly. Since email is still popular in business, it is still a viable target for hackers to undermine security and obtain valuable data through phishing attempts.
Recommended Tool: Barracuda
Read our article about Cyber-security: email scams on the Rise!
3. Device Protection
BYOD is no longer a question. Your staff, your management, and on-site visitors are carrying an increasing number of devices and clamoring for network access.
4. Web Content Filtering
Clever criminals are creating ever more accurate looking clones of legitimate web pages containing malware, so web content filtering is a must.
Our recommendation
- Barracuda Content Shield
5. Next Generation Firewalls
Botnets, spoofing, and Trojan horses can be stopped in their tracks with the network and application security provided by a Next Generation Firewall.
What is a Web Application Firewall (WAF) ? Read our full article!
6. Endpoint Protection
Legacy antivirus platform solutions that rely on signatures simply cannot spot the evolving behaviors of modern ransomware activity, some f which employee polymorphic (shapeshifting) code to evade detection. Your network needs endpoint protection that can monitor and fight and defeat modern ransomware treats on every network device
Endpoint security is one of the most important initiatives you can undertake to enhance your overall cybersecurity posture. The benefits of having these endpoints include:
- The ability to act on threats via the agent itself and stop a threat
- Remote monitoring of global assets and employee devices
- Real-time monitoring and detection of threats the instant they occur
Our Recommended Tools
- Artic Wolf
- Datto
Read the ultimate guide to Endpoint security!
7. Threat Detection & Monitoring
Your organization should always stay aware of who is trying to attack your network and mitigate damage with 24x7x265 Threat Detection and Monitoring. Our Threat Respond system operates 24x7 and includes collections and parsing of your networks' event logs and device information.
This includes port scans, anomalies in traffic and logons, authentication failures, and other irregularities - all correlated in an advanced, cloud based SIEM infrastructure and then scrutinized by a team of human security engineers to eliminate false positives.
8. Backup Disaster Recovery Solution
Should crypto-malware get through all these defenses, we highly recommend Datto's BDR solution as a final line of defense if that will keep your data back up continuously and allow whole infrastructures to best push back up in a matter of seconds. With scalable storage options, extremely fast recovery times, and 24/7/365 support. We feel it is the very best data protection has to offer.
Read about Microsoft security and Microsoft defender for business.