Top 5 Benefits of a Managed Service Provider
As a managed service provider, Datalink Networks handles an organizations IT needs both remotely and on-premise at a significantly reduced cost than employing an in-house team. By contracting an MSP, it allows for knowledgeable professionals to proactively work to maintain your IT needs as well as help develop an ongoing plan to ensure that your infrastructure, security, and systems stay in perfect working order.
Keep reading to find out the top 5 reasons why you should consider a managed service provider for your organizations future IT needs.
1. Reduces Stress of IT Team
See how a Managed Service Provider can increase efficiency in your organization!
If you are considering an MSP for your organization because your IT staff is being spread too thin, you are not alone. Several organizations turn to MSPs to take the pressure off their existing IT team, allowing them to focus on their day-to-day tasks while deferring the overall IT infrastructure management to an MSP. This redesigns your organizations existing workflow and gives your IT team the ability to narrow their focus to projects that advance your organization.
Is your IT Team stretched to the limits? Reduce their burden with 3rd part managed services.
2. Increases Security
Read how MSPs help organizations make smart decisions when it comes to cyber security!
Internal IT teams often have a never-ending flow of daily tasks that often take priority over bigger picture IT security and monitoring responsibilities. By not properly sustaining your organization’s security posture, gaps are exposed giving cybercriminals a path into your infrastructure. In a study done by Datto, a leading IT backup and recovery company, found that 79% of small to medium business report security issues as a relevant challenge. By outsourcing IT infrastructure maintenance and tasks, you are ensuring that your organization is secure, continually monitored, and frequently updated.
3. Expands Access to Industry Experts
6 Red Flags - Time to look for a new MSP!
Managed Service Providers are experts in their field and partner with some of the country's most respected technology leaders such as Microsoft, Datto, and Barracuda Networks. These partnerships keep MSPs updated with new technology, continually expand their knowledge, and offer tools and evaluations that directly help your organization. When a new plan is recommended, you know it is a well-researched, thoroughly tested, and suggested with your best interest in mind. By working with an MSP, not only are you able to capitalize on their experience, you are reaping the benefits of their partner relations.
4. Discounts on Hardware and Software
If you decide to outsource your IT services to a Managed Service Provider, they may recommend that you improve your software to better protect your organizations. While it often assumed that national online retailers provide the best price for IT hardware and software, this is rarely the case. In reality, regional MSPs are more likely to have the most competitive pricing on the market, stemming from product manufacturers pricing power. Between deal registration discounts and other promotions these pricing advantages create the lowest price for MSP’s customers.
5. Reduces IT Costs
Although an MSP sounds like it could be an expensive route to take when determining how to handle your organization’s IT needs, it can actually help you save money. While MSPs can either work in conjunction with your current IT staff or fully take over IT responsibilities, you can eliminate the cost entirely of hiring and training new employees for this position. MSPs will often take care of all your IT needs for one flat cost, and many of them also offer 24x7 support in case any problems arise. Not to mention, with experts monitoring and updating your security infrastructure you reduce the risk of costly cyber-attacks and limit unscheduled downtime.